What is BDSM Therapy?

The purpose of this blog is to clarify what BDSM therapy is and what it is not.
BDSM therapy is talk therapy which takes place in an office with a professional psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. Some kink therapists (myself included) also offer online therapy for people who live too far away to see the therapist in person.

This kind of specialized therapy can be, but is not necessarily, narrow in focus. You might go to a Kink therapist to deal with issues around work stress, family problems, financial distress, addictions or any number of other general life struggles. The reason kinky people might prefer a kink therapist, even if the presenting issue is unrelated to BDSM, is because they feel good knowing that if kink related issues do come up, they can talk to their therapist about those things without feeling ashamed or wondering if the therapist will be able to help them.

Kink therapy is professional talk therapy. Kink therapists are professionals who can help you work through all kinds of life issues, including kink.

I work with all kinds of people who come to see me for a lot of the same reasons that ‘vanilla’ people seek therapy. Typically, kink is a small (but for many clients essential) piece of the therapy process.

Kink therapy is not sexual surrogacy. Your kink therapist is not going to engage in sexual contact with you ever. The same boundaries that exist in other professional relationships exist in BDSM therapy.